How to find affordable and high-quality healthcare providers for your loved ones in Nigeria

Find affordable healthcare providers in Nigeria
Find affordable healthcare providers in Nigeria

Nnamdi Okonkwo’s parents were managing chronic illness when he left for Europe in an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. In fact, he had to find ways to get his flight tickets that does not involve getting support from his immediate family.

While abroad, his mission was to study hard, get a good job and migrate to a Western European city, and find affordable healthcare providers in Nigeria to send health home. Dublin and Paris were some of his favourite cities to live and work in.

He liked Dublin because it is host to several technology companies and startups. He enjoyed the ambience of Paris and relived some of the journeys he experienced in the books of French authors he had read. He chose Dublin.

Nnamdi’s father is managing stroke – a chronic illness requiring attention and healthcare. Managing Chronic illnesses requires the availability of money and the recommended prescription.

How can Nnamdi find affordable and quality platforms to send health home? He tried the following:

Ask colleagues for recommendations

To find affordable and high-quality healthcare providers, Nnamdi invested time talking with friends who are medical professionals in the country. A good first approach. His doctor friends provided advice on their thoughts on how he can help his father manage the illness.

They provided high-level information that would help nurture his father back to health. The only problem was, they shared, that managing Mr. Okonkwo’s health would be quite expensive. Individual medical practitioners also may not be specialized in the field of care needed by Nnamdi’s loved ones thus leaving him with only general knowledge of managing the illness.

Use the Web

Nigerian medical professionals can be found on the web, these days. Using social media tools like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok, medical professionals can be reached. Using relevant keywords on search engines like Google and Microsoft’s Bing one can find relevant keywords.

Although the web offers you options to choose from, there is the challenge of meeting fake medical practitioners whose abilities you cannot independently verify.

Some medical doctors serve their clients and share prescriptions through ERX

Buy health vouchers

With health vouchers from health technology platforms, you are able to access different healthcare services from quality professionals all from one place. Depending on the platform you are using, the platforms you a

A health voucher gives one options.

It allows that your loved ones

  • Get the best of health advice from vetted medical professionals you can trust via telemedicine services
  • Get prescription medicine made readily available to them wherever they might be in the country at the best price
  • Get regular check-in from a team to ensure that they take their medicine judiciously

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You can be confident that you are not defrauded by incessant requests from loved ones to provide them with funds for healthcare

To get the above, we recommend the WellaHealth Diaspora Health vouchers, which can be accessed here. The solution was developed to cater to Nigerians who need a secure way to ensure that their loved ones get quality healthcare and that the funds go directly to the healthcare needs it intended.

Get a health plan

When compared to the cost of regular checks relevant to keep the body healthy for your loved ones, Nnamdi learned that getting a health plan is a more affordable alternative than going to the healthcare platforms yourself.

With a health plan like this, your loved ones can access healthcare that costs a fraction of the cost of regular healthcare.

There are two main health plan options to choose from when you use that by one of the most impactful companies in the world.

Nnamdi settled on getting health vouchers for his parent. This way he is assured that money sent for healthcare is used to get the best healthcare for his loved ones, with several pharmaceutical and laboratory options, the best medical doctors offering telemedicine services for their loved ones, and regular check-ins to ensure their loved ones are using their medications weekly.

To find affordable healthcare providers in Nigeria is no easy feat. Nnamdi’s journey was less tumultuous because he followed the steps above. Even better, was the fact that he settled for the health vouchers from WellaHealth. That way, he could access the best health plans for his loved ones, including chronic medications fulfillment.

You too can send health home to your loved ones by getting health vouchers here.

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